Donate online (from the US)
Donate by mail (from the US)
Please make check payable to “Haiti Futur” and mail your contribution to:
Haiti Futur, 231 15th st, #5B, Brooklyn NY 11215
Wire Transfer (from the US)
.You can contact us at to get more information about how to make a donation through Wire transfer
Donate from Canada
If you are in Canada, you can donate to “Haiti Futur Canada” ( Haiti Futur-Canada is a Not For Profit organisation, registered in Canada. Registration # 1174596-4.)
- By direct deposit (Interac): email
- By check to Haïti Futur-Canada 195B, St-Patrick Street, PH08, Toronto, On, M5T 2Y8
- For other types of payment, contact us at
Make sure to send us also your mailing informations if you wish to receive a receipt.

Haiti Futur (US) is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization (identification number 27-2869845). Your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. We’ll send you a receipt upon successful completion of your donation that you can use to claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes.